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A germ- free House: Eliminating germ hotspots

During winter which is usually the flu season, it is particularly important to ensure that your home is completely germ-free. This is the time when most people tend to fall prey to germs that cause flu and other infections. This is where you come in; you need to make sure that you don’t give these germs any chance to attack you or your family. Now here are some tricks that will not only keep your house cleaner but will ensure that it’s a complete germ-free home so that you stay out of the doctor’s office.

Routine cleaning: What you need to do is to clean your house regularly instead of trying to clean it all at once. Cleaning your house a bit every day is the most effortless way to keep your house a complete germ-free zone. So acting against dust, mold, and other germs every day, you are actually preventing bacteria from spreading in your home in the first place.

Utilize fans: Commonly areas that are high in moisture are the largest breeding spots for germs, mold and bacteria. In order to stop these bacteria and mold from spreading, you are to use fans to eliminate the extra humidity and moisture. Ventilation of your house is crucial, you need to make sure that these fans are working properly, open the windows and doors to let in some fresh air and ensure that your house is well ventilated.

Wash your bedding: These are things that you’re frequently in contact with. Your bed sheets, the towels that you use, and other bedding materials. Wash them all daily and in hot water. These are the items in which dust mites usually accumulate. So make sure that they’re cleaned regularly because you can’t help being in contact with them.

Clean curtains and ceiling Fans: Usually people don’t bother themselves when it comes to cleaning their curtains and ceiling fans. Both of these are quite the germ hotspot as they can possess many germs and a lot of dust that are not easily noticeable. So it is essential for you to wash your curtains and clean your ceiling fans to eliminate them as a germ hotspot.

Put down the toilet Seat: Toilets, they’re one of the most germ-ridden places in your home. You are to try to clean your toilets daily. One of the things that you need to do is to make sure that you put down the lid of your toilet seat before flushing this actually prevents bacteria and the germ-infected water from coming on to other places in your bathroom, where it can survive for a couple of hours and can possibly transfer from.

Separate cutting boards: Use a different cutting board while cutting meat. Raw meats can contain some really dangerous bacteria that can be harmful for you and your family. Although the bacteria dies when the meat is cooked, but they can still survive on the cutting board that you used. So do not use the same cutting board that you use for cutting meat for your vegetables and fruits. Make sure your cutting boards are thoroughly cleaned after being used. And try replacing your cutting board if it’s cracked too much. Bacteria tend to exist in small cracks too. So you can never be more careful.

Store your toothbrush: Your bathroom is not the best place to keep your tooth brush lying all out in the open like that. Because leaving it like that would infect it with germs. So technically, toothbrushes should be kept in separate containers and in drawers.

Disinfect your sponge: Run your sponge through really hot water or keep it in the microwave for 1-2 minutes in order to eliminate all the germs and bacteria that live on it.

Change your filters: Try changing the filters from your vacuum, furnace, and air conditioner often, so that what you are doing is cleaning the air and the carpets in your house, rather than adding more germs and dust to it.

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