Cookies on this site
To make full use of some of the features on this website, your web browser will need to accept cookies.
This page lists the cookies which may be sent to your browser by this site and what we use each cookie for. Please bear in mind that if you disable cookies in your browser, certain features of this website cannot be provided to you.
Cookies used on this site
Below is a list of the main cookies used by this site and what each is used for:
Third-party cookies
Whilst using this site, we may from time-to-time use content from other external sites, for example a video from YouTube or a map from Google. We may also provide you with the opportunity to share information with others using social networks such as Facebook.
As a result, you may be sent cookies from these other websites. This site does not control these cookies. Please check these third-party websites for more information about the cookies they use.
Third party cookies used on this site include: [delete as appropriate]
Diese Seite nutzt Google Maps, um für unsere Standorte suchen. Google Maps wird auch verwendet, um die nächste und relevanten Stellen zu lokalisieren, wenn Kunden bei der Auswahl eines Online-Einkaufsservice.
Googles Datenschutzrichtlinie:
More information about cookies
If you wish to learn more about cookies, please visit